Where to hide your painted rocks ?

The Fb-Rocks game is a mix of "Geocaching" and "Love on the rocks " or "Kindness rocks". Try to find the best hiding places so that only players can find them and therefore give you news 👌. Here is a small photo gallery that may inspire you to hide your creations !
Near to plants or trees
At the foot of plants or shrubs
In tree trunks
Behind vines or branches
In town
Behind traffic signs
Cities are full of superb, original and varied hiding places. Therefore, it is necessary to favor small or mini-rocks 😉
Under urban equipment
Behind urban equipment
In holes
A bit high...
Behind gutters
Hiding places around stones
We can use stones or other objects to hide your painted rocks.
Painted rocks can also be hidden in walls. Be careful not to push them too far otherwise you can't recover them (my own experience with mini-rocks... 😂🤣)
There are thousands of hiding ideas. You can start with rather simple hiding places such as holes in the wall or behind traffic signs. Then you can try to find more complex or original ones for other finders 😉.
Have you found the perfect hiding place ?
All you have to do is register your rock then go to "my account / my rocks / modify my rock" to enter the geolocation and put the photo of the clue.
Would you rather seek than hide ?
Fb-Rocks is like a treasure hunt or geocaching, but with painted rocks 🎨. You can search for hidden treasures around you by clicking on this link. There aren't any yet ? You can launch the game around you and the adventure can begin 🥳😉🥳 !!!
Published : 2023-01-08