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Easter hunting eggs with painted rocks

Easter event

Rock painting workshop

Wednesday 27 March saw a huge turnout at Orange Les Vignes for an introduction to rock painting !

Our Easter-themed tutorials delighted young and old : hens, rabbits, eggs, chicks, bells and even your favourite characters took their place on the rocks 👍

This year, Pikachu and the Snow Queen were a huge hit, and the little ones had fun with our Easter folds 

Easter folding for children with Pikachu

Here are some of the children's and parents' creations, you've been really creative 🥰 :

Painted rock of th workshop

Some photos of the workshop :

Some photos of the workshop rock painting

Hero Hunt

On Saturday 1 April, Orange Les Vignes organised two events around painted rock : a treasure hunt and a maxi rock hunt. 🤗

Rock to win :  

Painted rock for the rock hunting FB-Rocks

To find them, you had to solve a series of riddles and complete a number of challenges. Here are some of the winners who braved the rain and wind for this original treasure hunt :

Gagnant de la chasse au trésor Fb-Rocks

Rock hunt

There were around sixty painted pebbles hidden in the Orange Les Vignes shopping centre. Here is a sample of the pebbles to find :

Big treasure hunt with painted rocks for Easter

Every hour, the finder who brought the most rocks back to the stand won a gift. Here's a short photo report of an emotional day :

Animation de Pâques dans le Vaucluse

Do you want to play with painted rocks ?

Fb-Rocks is like a treasure hunt or geocaching, but with painted rocks 🎨 You can looking for painted rocks around you by clicking on this link. There aren’t any yet ? You can hide your rocks with clues and if there is another player joining you, the adventure can begin 🥳😉🥳 !!

Free Treasure hunt for adults


Do you want to play with painted rocks ?

Fb-Rocks is like a treasure hunt or geocaching, but with painted rocks 🎨 You can looking for painted rocks around you by clicking on this link. There aren’t any yet ? You can hide your rocks with clues and if there is another player joining you, the adventure can begin 🥳😉🥳 !!

Free Treasure hunt for adults

Published : 2024-04-05

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