How to organize a painted rock hunt or a treasure hunt ?

Organizing a painted rock hunt with Fb-Rocks is very easy. You just need to tag your rock on the site before sealing them. So you have the choice between two types of hunts : free hunt or geolocated hunt.
Free hunt
If the rocks are visible without clues, you don't need to locate them on the website : you just have to hide them. Having them tagged will allow you to keep the link with your rocks if they travel to the other side of the world after the hunt 👍🌏👍.
Geolocated hunt
If your rocks are well hidden, it is better to opt for geolocation. You can do this in the section "my rocks / modify my rock" then double-click on the location on the map. Depending on the difficulty level of the hide, you can add various clues :
- Simple photo clues. Here are some examples :
- Additional text clues to the photo. Here are some examples : "Look 3m from the picture clue", "On the other side of the picture clue", "Count 30 steps southeast of the picture clue", ...
- Simple text clues. Examples : "In a hole in the wall", "In the sign", "In the shrub", ...
- Text clues indicating the location of the hiding place. In this case, you can click on an approximate location and the text clue will give finders the precise location of the hiding place. Example: Location : 43.713428,5.245448
- Text clues like enigma :" Ju jt ijeefo jo uif usff" (-1). To find the clue, you must replace each letter with the one preceding it in the alphabeth. So the clue is : "It is hidden in the tree".
Where can you start your painted rock hunt ?
You can organize both indoors and outdoors places with painted rock hunt.
- Tourist areas
- Shopping centers
- Towns and villages
- Amusement parks
- At home for a birthday 🥳
- Campsites or holiday villages
- Tourist sites (museums, zoos, tree climbing, children's playground, etc.)
Depending on the mode of communication or the beauty of the rocks, the treasure hunt can be either temporary or permanent. If you want it to last for a long time, you can create "Hide me plus 'the location that you want to animate' " and players will be able to play permanently in the game area.
When the reward is elsewhere...
The rock hunt can be the first step before winning a gift...
The purpose of the hunt can be a gift. Players will be able to bring the painted rock found to a specific location or to a store to win a gift or to get a reduction.
A study in two steps
You can make several groups of rocks with different colors, or with an inscription "series 1 / series 2"). It will be necessary for the players to find a rock from each groups to find the location of a super gift that you have hidden before.
Examples :
- On the back of both the black and white rocks series, enter the latitude and the longitude.
- On the back of the white/black groups, enter one letter out of 2 of the clue. Example Group 1: T-E-C-T-H-L Example Group 2: R-E-I-Y-A-L. By finding a rock from each group, players will be able to find the words TREE CITY HALL and they will have to look for the gift in the tree of the city hall...
Proceedings of the hunt
Play map
When you have entered the locations of the hiding places, the treasure hunter will visualize painted rocks on the play map :
If they can’t find the rock, they can simply click on “Read more” and they will be able to look at the text and photo clues :
Want to start your treasure hunt 🧐🗺🧐? Do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form !!!
Published : 2022-10-12