Delphine DUMON is an artist who does not take herself seriously

Member of the French Facebook group "Les fous du Galet" since August 2021 and the administrator of a more local group "Fous du galet Sud-Ouest" with "Mini Colibri" and Camille, Delphine DUMON takes over works by artists and illustrators (thanks to them 🥰) and expresses her talent by alternating between delirious humor and gorgeous rocks.
From illustrations by Banksy, Delphine Dumon made beautiful rocks to denounce the war in Ukraine 💙💛💙.
She painted sublime chicks sometimes sexy, sometimes a little crazy or ultra zen.
Crazy, funny and endearing animals :
Diversions of unique and offbeat works :
During the Halloween period, her painted rocks are so WOW 👻💖👻!!
On the top right : "Guys, I forgot my sheet but I'm here" / On the bottom right : "You came home easily today !"
It's almost winter... we keep smiling with her very comforting rocks 🎅 !!
And her rocks under the theme of love are very touching.
On the top right : "What you feed grows" / On the bottom left : "It's not much but it's all I have"
And the best for the end, humorous rocks, we love it 👍🤗👍 !!!
On the top middle : "What a dumb idea this tongue piercing is !" / On the top right : "Sorry, I have cold hands..." / On the bottom left : "You're dumb" / On the bottom right : "Dumb !"
On the top right : "Just admit that we're lost !" / On the bottom left : "PANIC !" / On the bottom right : "Balanced Diet"
If Delphine DUMON made you want to paint rocks, you will find in the step-by-step section how to paint your rock 🌈🎨🌈!
Published : 2022-11-19