Important Events in April 2023

If you are in need of inspiration for your rocks or you want to make rocks that keep up with the times, this page may give you some ideas 🧐 !
Here is a list of the main events of the month :
- 2nd April : International Pillow Fight Day
- 2nd April : World Autism Awareness Day
- 4th April : World Rat Day
- 7th Avril : World Health day
- 12th April : World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day
- 22th April : Wolrd Earth Day
- 23th April : World Book and Copyright Day
- 29th April : International Dance Day
- 30th April : International Jazz day
If you are an administrator of a group of painted rocks, you may find your happiness in this page to find themes.
Some theme ideas for April :
- Words starting with A
- Joke
- Fish
- Dragon
- Unicorn
- Glasses
- White colour
- Samba
- Earth
Do you want to play with painted rocks ?
Fb-Rocks is like a treasure hunt or geocaching, but with painted rocks 🎨 You can looking for painted rocks around you by clicking on this link. There aren’t any yet ? You can hide your rocks with clues and if there is another player joining you, the adventure can begin 🥳😉🥳 !!
Published : 2024-04-01