
Hello everyone!!!
We are students from the ERPD of La Verrière in the 78th district.
What is an ERPD?
An ERPD is a place where students stay overnight, arriving on Sunday evenings and returning home on Friday evenings. In our boarding school, we have elementary and middle school students. On Wednesday afternoons, we choose a fun workshop.
What do you do during these workshops ?
Raphaëlle, our boarding school teacher, introduced us to "painted rocks" that she discovered during her summer vacation. We prepared stones (we don't have pebbles nearby 😭) that we decorated. Before the All Saints' Day holidays, we hid them in our boarding school to introduce the game to the school staff.
Here we are in the workshop :
To see Raphaëlle's post on social media, click here.
And here are some of our creations :
Next time, we'll hide them in the town to introduce the game to the residents. We enjoy decorating them and following their journey. One of them even went to Spain, and it's not over yet !
Signed : The students of ERPD
Published : 2023-11-21