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Number of discoveries | 1 |
Total distance travelled | 7186.30 km |
Distance between the last two covers | 7177.99 km |
Distance from its starting point | 7170.96 km |
History of the rock
1 | Created by : Les galets d'Andy | on 2025-01-04 |
2 | Modified by : Les galets d'Andy | on 2025-01-05 |
3 | Found by : #lesgaletsdeNath | on 2025-01-07 |
4 | Hidden by : #lesgaletsdeNath | on 2025-01-30 |
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Made on : 2025-01-04
Found 1 time(s)
By : Les galets d'Andy
State : Hidden
Geolocated : yes
Description : Bravo, tu m'as trouvé, garde moi ou recache moi et fais moi voyager mais donne moi des nouvelles, ici et sur facebook trouve mon galet 51