News of the rocks

Main events in June

Music Festival - Painted rocks

Welcome to our page dedicated to June's festivals and events! This month is packed with diverse celebrations, perfect for fun and gathering. Discover the main festivities around the world and get inspired by our painted rock designs. Grab your brushes and celebrate this beautiful month of June with creativity! 🌞🎨✨

List of the main events of June

  • 1 June : International Dinosaur Day, Global Day of Parents
  • 3 June : World Bicycle Day
  • 5 June : World Environment Day
  • 6 June : World War II D-Day Anniversary
  • 8 June : World Ocean Day

 Fête internationale des océans - peinture sur galet

  • 16 June 2024 : Father's Day (third Sunday)
  • 18 June : International Picnic Day
  • 18 June : International Sushi Day 

Sushi drawings on rock

  • 19 June : World Sauntering Day
  • 21 June : International Yoga Day
  • 21 June : Summer Solstice/Summer Begins

Some themes for June :

  • The letter J
  • Colour : green
  • Stone : the emerald
  • Zodiacal sign : Gemini (May 21 to June 21) and Cancer (June 22 to July 22)
  • The little prince
  • Stone of June : the pearl
  • Colour of June: gourmet red, passion red ❤💖❤
  • Flower, poppy, oleander, lavender
  • Animals: fox 🦊 , dragonfly, lark, deer
  • The summer
  • The dads

Father's day - Painted rocks

  • Vegetables of the month: eggplant, zucchini, radish, cucumber, spinach, chard, broccoli, white cabbage
  • Fruits of the month: apricot, blackcurrant, cherry, lemon, strawberry, raspberry, red currant, melon, blackberry, blueberry, nectarine, watermelon, peach, plum, rhubarb

Do you want to play with painted rocks ?

You can looking for painted rocks around you by clicking on this link. There aren’t any yet ? You can hide your rocks with clues and if there is another player joining you, the adventure can begin 🥳😉🥳 !!

Published : 2024-06-09

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