Moya Uno : a multi-facetted artist

Moya Uno starts graffiti and sculpture in 2013 at 41 years old. Self-taught urban painter, knife sculptor, photographer 📷, he multiplies the artistic supports to express his art.
One day, his son Arone, found a painted rock in Servian near Béziers (France). Moya, who knew the concept of the game "find my rock", joined the local Facebook group and started to paint on this new small size support inspired by his influences : mangas, comics and cartoons.
- His passions: Hip hop, Polynesia, photography, drawing, origami, cooking, cinema
- His favorite character : the moaï
- His motto : To conquer without peril, one triumphs without glory...🌿
By combining his talents as a photographer and painter, he has fun staging his rocks.
In 2021, he created the association Polynézian Painterz whose goal is to highlight hip hop culture and all its disciplines. Polynézian Painterz will carry the first hip hop festival of Saint Jean de Védas (34). Through this association, Moya also provides various initiations (initiation to painting on pebble 🎨 , masterclass graffiti, ...).
Moya customizes all supports, even the most unlikely. He made us discover the Upcycling 🌳 or how to put in value very common materials 😲👍😍.
What is upcycling ?
Upcycling is recycling "from above". It consists of recovering products that are no longer in use in order to transform them into products of superior utility. Moya has become a master in this practice by giving a new aesthetic life to objects that would have been thrown away : cardboard, pallets, spray cans, ... Here are some examples with painted cardboard put under glass, empty paint cans painted and put under a bell, a pendant made with sanded and tinted massage beads and a piece of crib cut into strips.
With Moya, art is a whole and everything becomes art !
If you want to know more about this artist, you can follow him :
Published : 2022-02-22