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Nadyne.S sows happiness with painted rocks ... with love 💖

TMG54Longwy colorful painted rocks

Nadyne.S is an artist with a big heart 💖. She paints great rocks and hides or distributes them to everyone's delight !

Painted rocks to say thank you

Tribute to law enforcement

Nadyne puts her talents at the service of others and to thank the trades that she admires and respects. Her story with law enforcement begins on June 13, 2022 when she hid a beautiful "thank you" rock adorned with a tricolor outside the Lexy police station. Touched by this attention and getting caught up in the game, the policemen took her tribute rock and made it travel in turn during their holidays ... making it travel 31,546 km!!!

Hommage aux forces de l'ordre

They are talking

The policemen honored Nadyne in a touching video to follow the rock 's journey:

Video voyage Lexy

Gendarmerie de Longwy

Message from Nadyne: "I would like to say THANK YOU to the Lexy Policemen for playing the game of rocks and for investing in #tmg54longwy (...) A big THANK YOU to all of you Policemen of LEXY. You moved me to tears (and there are witnesses !). You touched my heart with your kindness and sympathy (...) You are close to us civilians, to listen, not only there for the repression but also to do great actions ! From the bottom of my heart once again, THANK YOU to the whole police force for the nice trip 👮🏼‍♀️🌏👮 and thank you to the police who are there for us!!"

This story is so touching that it was the subject of a beautiful article in the Republican Lorrain from 22 January 22, 2023 :

Article Républicain Lorrain TMG54longwy

Tribute to caregivers

Nadyne also paid a tribute to the nursing staff with rocks that she left during her visits.

Hommage aux soignants lorrains

Sowing happiness, an art of living and a need that feels good

Nadyne also creates rocks with the logo of restaurants in the region as well as the effigy of several football clubs !

Galets peints clubs de foot

Come and visit her blog, you will find lots of little treasures !!!

Published : 2023-03-19

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