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Painted rocks for children who left us too soon...

Painted rocks for children gone way too soon

Some parents use Fb-Rocks to send painted rocks in memory of their children who left us too soon. If you find a painted rock for them 💖, you can send a short message and the most beautiful photo with the pebble found. You will give a small dose of happiness to parents who need it so much 💞.

You can then keep it for as long as you need to gorge it with love 💗💗💗 before releasing it so that others continue to make it travel.

For Mylene

Message from Mylene's parents

" Mylène 💗💗💗 died in November 2019 at 19 years and 17 days after 8 months of battling a brain tumor. Mylène loved penguins 🐧💗🐧.

To honor her memory, for all the children who left us too early for whatever reason, to raise awareness of brain cancer in young adults and children, glioblastoma which is now incurable, I paint penguin rocks for Mylene.

Carte des galets de Mylène

Here are some pictures of the penguin rocks, thanks to all the nice  players who help make them travel :

Galets peints pour la mémoire de Mylène

And here are some rock links for Mylene :

If you want to share your photos and finds, do not hesitate to go to the Facebook page Pensées pour Mylène et les enfants partis trop tôt

For Clement

Photos de Clément

Message from Clement's parents

Our Clement was 22 years old when he left us forever on March 26th. Today October 31 is his birthday. His presence in our hearts is eternal.

Clement loved football. "Football" rcocks went on a trip in his memory:

 Galet PSG pour Clément

Painted rocks for Clement

Here are some Clément rocks traveling somewhere in the world, it's up to you to keep them traveling   !

Galet peint en la mémoire de Clément

If you want to find a painted rock for Clément, thank you for taking a photo of your find and the new hiding place to share it with his parents. You can also do it via the Facebook page Clément parti trop tôt et à jamais dans nos coeurs.


Published : 2023-08-25

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